Nether Kirkyard, St Cyrus, Aberdeenshire

visited in August 2017

Nether Kirkyard, St Cyrus, Aberdeenshire
A remote and peaceful old cemetery, also known as Ecclesgreig Old Church, at the end of a path near the sea
The main portal is rusty and closed, but a staircase let you enter
However, some memento mori are still quite legible
The coat of arms of the Grahams of Morphie is still above the door

For more information about burial grounds and body snatching, some books, links, and their authors :
* Suzie Lennox : "Bodysnatchers - Digging up the Untold Stories of Britain's Resurrection Men"
* Lorraine Evans : "Burying the Dead"

The Macabre Art of Body Snatching | DiggingUp1800
Delve into the history of the macabre trade of body snatching and find out EXACTLY what drove people to steal Britain’s dead from local graveyards and beyond
Lorraine Evans | Burying the Dead