Logie Old Kirk & Kirkyard, Stirling

visited in August 2017

Logie Old Kirk & Kirkyard, Stirling
Dedicated to St Serf, the old church is surrounded by interesting gravestones, from 17th C to 18th C. Number of these gravestones are carved with traditional mortality symbols: skulls, bones, hourglass, and trades symbols (shoemaker, horseshoe, smith...)
Margaret Clasone Bryce gravestone. James Bryce was probably a Master Shoemaker (knife and crown symbols). Lot of mortality symbols
18th C headstone
18th C headstone, memento mori, probably a Merchant with the distinct 4 symbol
17th C grave stone with mortality symbols: bones, hourglass, skull. The inverted heart could signify the death of a young or a loved one.
Hogback gravestone, probably 11th C, similar grave was found in Scandinavia
Logie Old Kirk near Stirling Feature Page on Undiscovered Scotland
Information about and images of Logie Old Kirk near Stirling on Undiscovered Scotland.