England Holy Saviour, Puxton, Somerset Visited in September 2022 pacoulmag, wuzmi 05 Nov 2022 • 2 min read This medieval redundant church dates from the 13th Century (15th C for the tower) The porch (16th C) and the main (north) door of the churchThe noticeably leaning tower and its door. In front of it, the extent of the lean is spectacular...Boxpews on the right side (18th C), but more classical benches on the leftNave, font and stone screenPulpit and lectern, worn, but nicely carved. Note the iron candlestick on the left of the pulpitThe fonts dates from the 12th C, and the cover is from the 17th CSlab detailsMary Whippey memorial slab 1666Another nice slab on the floor, to Mrs Elisabeth Whippey, who died in 1683 aged 36 "who in the flower of age ended the course of Earthly pilgrimage"Tower parapet with gargoyle