France Sainte Foy Abbey Church, Conques, Aveyron, Auvergne Visited in May 2022 pacoulmag, wuzmi 07 Jun 2022 • 2 min read The Ste Foy abbey church is a famous landmark on the Camino de Santiago The Doom's (last judgment) tympanum on the main portal.Details of the last judgment tympanum : good guys' side and bad guys' sideWeighing the souls by St Michael, with the devil cheating on the scaleOne of the "little curious" : angels around the tympanum, "unrolling the firmament"John the Baptist, dressed in a camel's hair jacket, his right arm raised to heaven, carries an open book with the inscription: "John said, Behold the Lamb of God" Sculpture situated in the transept, 8 meters above the ground, 12thCThe condemnation of Saint Foy, victim of the persecutions of the emperor Diocletian Annunciation , angel and Mary, 12th CConsecration crossMermaid and centaur